Yes, however, there is no binding contract. You must attend an event to be initiated into the community.  Following attendance of your first H29 event, you automatically become part of our digital community for a maintenance fee of $199/month.  This enables you to participate in our online private group, weekly video calls, members-only group communication channel and receive automatic invitations to upcoming events. There is no contract or penalty for cancellation. It is not our desire to seek annual renewals or convince people to stay. Our sincerest goal is to deliver an experience so valuable and fulfilling that our members deeply desire to continue in our community and want to attend every event if they can.

Horizon29 is invitation only. Prospects must meet 3 requirements to receive an invitation. 

  • Own a business that exceeds $1M gross annual revenue.
  • Have more than 5 years business ownership experience.
  • Have a heart of giving and contribution as evidenced by the applicant’s approach to “giving back.”

If you believe you could be a good fit for Horizon29 and would like to apply for membership consideration, click here.

When the mind is challenged with continual change and expectation of new experience, it levels up its potential for vision-casting and creativity. Successful entrepreneurs are powered by these things, so we deliver an experience to stimulate these characteristics by altering event locations and filling our events with ever-changing venues and activities.

Everything but airfare to the closest international airport is covered in your Horizon 29 payment, including: your lodging, all additional  transportation, adventure experiences, nightly socials, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, business sessions, swag, etc.

In order to create a balanced event filled with lots of relationship time, interactive sessions, adventure activities, great meals, etc, there is limited time for individual spotlighting.  However, there are intentional group activities at every event so everyone can get to know each other quickly and there are slots curated, so those with the greatest business challenges can get group support in a focused and contributive environment. Also note that specific H29 members are often selected for group mastermind during our weekly video calls.

A balanced experience of business solutions and growth, immersive adventure, shared resources, personal challenge, peer connection and great cuisine. We focus on the whole entrepreneur beyond the just the enterprise, because thriving businesses come from thriving leaders with thriving lives.

Horizon29 is not a one-time experience, but rather a carefully architected system that delivers value, growth, resources and relationships that evolve with every event. Additionally, our event locations, activities, adventures and attendees change each time, delivering very different experiences, resources and expertise. Each H29 event page is updated daily to show the current attendees who have secured seats at the upcoming events, so you will likely see many members returning and new names you have yet to connect with.

Absolutely!  You may bring one other person with you (partner, spouse, etc.) who can be included in your Horizon29 experience. However, every attendee incurs hard costs for meals, activities, transportation, adventures, etc… For this reason, a guest will incur $2,500 charge as a “rider” on your invitation. In addition, your guest may not attend or participate in closed-door business sessions unless he/she is directly involved in your business. This protects the intentional intimacy of the H29 environment.

Let’s start with the “29.”  That’s simple.  It is the maximum number of primary attendees (business owners) we will permit to register for each of our events.  When those seats are filled, the event is closed. This keeps us intimate, yet strong in our group settings.  Big enough to have lots of resources, small enough for authentic connection and contribution. It also keeps the events unattractive for those whose personal agenda is to simply sell services to other members. Horizon29 is for those whose vision is bigger than finding the next customer. 

The word “Horizon” is to signify the future that is ever drawing closer in both our lives and our businesses. It mirrors how little changes now can dramatically shift where you arrive. It is also to reflect our company’s intentionality of changing our locations geographically to pull the most out of every experience for all attendees. So we challenge you to ask yourself, what is on your Horizon?